Dreams become reality


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July 04, 2021

In this Magazine article about MUD, you will grasp understanding about the trails and tribulations that it took to get where we are today. This is our 2nd Online Magazine Feature. This article is was published by SHOUTOUT ATL. 

Published: July 14th, 2020

Hi Markus, what do you attribute your success to?
The most important factor behind the success of our company has been our understanding of being consistent, persistent, and resilient. We stick to our core values on an everyday basis. Our CEO Markus preaches that it’s not about the money, it’s about changing the lives of others who have dreams that have yet to bring forth their true potential to the universe. Markus’ mom taught him if you do something for money, you’re doing it for the wrong reason, and everything you do should be done in purpose to fulfill your goals. We have seen low points and high points within our company. There have been times where we didn’t have money to purchase shirts and get them printed or how we kept up with business operations. We figured out a way, if it wasn’t paying personal bills or car repossession, we continued to press on. When you’ve seen low points in life, just remember you’ve seen worse days. Just remain positive, through all the trials and tribulations, no matter how many negatives, stay positive and speak works of positivity to the universe. Resiliency is key because it’s about how you will bounce back from making the wrong decision or taking a huge loss. How will you overcome adversity when it happens? When Markus’ mom passed away in 2018, he could have given up, but he realized that there was a greater purpose to the world than giving up. You have to be willing to grieve, process, and reassess yourself and your purpose. You can get through the trials and tribulations by remembering why you are doing what you are doing and staying strong-hearted about fulfilling the vision.


Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
The concept for “Manifest Ur Dreams” started while Markus was working towards his Bachelor’s at Georgia State University, in a Making Decisions class. His professor asked the entire class, “In the next five years where do you all see yourselves?” He told the entire class that the majority of them came to college because their parents not only told them to go but also said in order to be successful in life, they must attend college. It was then, Markus realized he wasn’t going after his dreams in life and that there were others who did the exact same. Upon receiving his second Bachelor’s degree at Georgia State, his finance professor told the entire class, “Make Your Life Your Business.” The class was given a project to create a company and present the details to the class. As a group, Markus and some classmates created the financials of the beginnings of Manifest Ur Dreams for the class assignment. After the group presentations, Markus’ group was voted second to last to succeed out of all the businesses presented in the class. Markus emailed the professor about it but there was no response. This allowed Markus to realize that someone’s opinion about your idea/dreams does not matter as long as you believe in it. From that class, Markus believes that he is the only one from that class who turned his life in to a business. How we got to where we are today is from maintaining a sense of resilience, persistence and consistency. You must be willing to sacrifice old habits and create new ones; being able fight through the rough times, and stay true to yourself. It definitely has not been an easy road, but knowing why we do this keeps us going. What we have learned along the way is that people will try to detour you from dreams, there will be distractions including but not limited to people, circumstances, and self-doubt. Never give up on your dreams, and don’t allow anyone to tell you what you should do or be with your life. Make sure you have a plan that you can to execute to the fullest and be willing to make adjustments along your journey.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Since Markus is Vegan, we would most likely visit popular vegan restaurants within the city such as Plant Based Pizzeria, Tassili’s Raw Reality, Roots PBC, Grass VBQ Joint, Faux Real Burger, Paradise Smoothie & Juice Bar, Wadada Atl (Healthy Market & Juice Bar), Kristis Cobbler, First Batch Artisan Foods. We would visit the Beltline to explore the city of Atlanta, Ponce City Market, and BQE for mimosas and brunch.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to dedicate this shoutout to my mom Pamela Malone…May your spirit continue to live through me. I would also like to give a shoutout to the MUD Team, Mableton Community, mentors, family members, and to all the “Dreamers” and “Manifesters” in the world. We at M.U.D | Manifest Ur Dreams appreciate your ongoing support through these five years of growth.

Click to View Full Article: https://shoutoutatlanta.com/meet-markus-malone-chief-executive-office-owner-of-manifest-ur-dreams-m-u-d/